
נושאי מחקר

פרופ' סטלה צ'אושו

  • ביולוגיה ואימונולוגיה של התנועה האורתודונטית
  • התנועה האורתודוטית דרך תחליפי עצם שונים 
  • זיהוי צורת התורשה של אנומליית ניבים כלואים פלטינלית
  • אורתודונטיה במתרפאים פריודונטלים 
  • טיפול בשיניים כלואות - אבחנה, נזקים, כשלונות 
  • אנומליות דנטליות: אבחנה, טיפול
  • ניהול סיכונים באורתודונטיה 
  • היבטים פסיכולוגיים של טיפול אורתודונטי 

ד"ר מירי הישראלי-שליש

  • זיהוי צורת התורשה של אנומליית ניבים כלואים פלטינלית
  • אנומליות דנטליות: אבחנה, טיפול
  • יחסי גומלין בין אנטיאוקסידנטים, ביופילם ומיכשור אורתודונטי
  • השפעת נשימת פה על ההתפתחות הקרניו-פציאלית
  • היבטים פסיכולוגיים של טיפול אורתודונטי 
  • שכיחות ליקויי הסגר בבני נוער ישראלים 

ד"ר עתליה וסרשטיין

  • ספיגת שורשים אורתודונטית
  • ניהול סיכונים באורתודונטיה 
  • אנומליות דנטליות: אבחנה, טיפול
  • התפתחות המשנן

פרופ' אילנה ברין

  • אסימטריות סיגריות אצל מתרפאים עם ocular torticollis
  • שכיחות של ליקויי סגר באוכלוסיה הישראלית

ד"ר יוסי עבד

  • רטנציה לאחר טיפול אורתודונטי
  • יצירת מדדי יופי פרופיל בחיוך
  • יעילות שיטות סטריפינג שונות
  • בדיקת איכות ההדמיה של תוכנות שונות
  • אפקטביות של מכשירים פונקציונליים

ד"ר עודד יצחקי

  • הערכה איכותנית של מקצוע האורתודונטיה 
  • מקור הסטרס בקרב סטודנטים לרפואת שיניים 

ד"ר אבי ליבוביץ

  • גדילה והתפתחות: התאמת הגרדיאנט של סיגנלים התפתחותיים לגודל העובר
  • ניבים כלואים – אבחנה וטיפול

פרופ' יוכבד בן-בסט

  • טיפול אורתודונטי במתרפאים עם שסעים - שביעות רצון והיבטים פסיכולוגיים 
  • שכיחות ליקויי הסגר באוכלוסיה הישראלית
  • אסימטריות סיגריות אצל מתרפאים עם Ocular torticollis

ד"ר עומר פלייסיג

  • ביולוגיה ואימונולוגיה של התנועה האורתודונטית
  • התגובה המולקולארית של פיברובלסטים ללחץ מכני 
  • התנועה האורתודוטית דרך תחליפי עצם שונים 



פרסומים של המחלקה לאורתודונטיה

שנת 2018


Klein Y, Fleissig O, Stabholz A, Chaushu S, Polak D. (2018) Bone regeneration with bovine bone impairs orthodontic tooth movement despite proper osseous wound healing in a novel mouse model. J Periodontol. Jul 30 [Epub ahead of print]

Leibovich A, Kot-Leibovich H, Ben-Zvi ,D  Fainsod A. (2018) ADMP controls the size of Spemann’s organizer through a network of self-regulating expansion-restriction signals. BMC Biol, 16:13.

Brezniak N, Wasserstein A. (2018) Orthodontitis and apical root resorption – Theories and paradigms.  Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim  34(1):22-27.

Zogakis IP, Koren E, Gorelik S, Ginsburg I, Shalish M. (2018). Effect of fixed orthodontic appliances on non- microbial salivary parameters. Angle Orthodontist. 88:806-811.

Fleissig O, Reichenberg E, Tal M, Redlich M, Barkana I, Palmon A. (2018). Morphologic and Gene Expression Analysis of Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts Subjected to Pressure Application. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. Nov;154(5):664-676.

Farkash Y, Feldman M, Ginsburg I, Steinberg D, Shalish M. (2018). Green Tea Polyphenols and Padma Hepaten Inhibit Candida albicans Biofilm Formation. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 30:1690747.


שנת 2017


Becker A, Chaushu S. Management of Impactions. (2017) In: Orthodontics, Current Principles and Techniques. 6th Edition. Editors: Graber, Vanarsdall, Vig & Huang. New York: Elsevier Inc.; 868-879

Kotantoula G, Haisraeli-Shalish M, Jerrold L. (2017) Teleorthodontics. [Editorial]. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 151:219-221

Kaczor-Urbanowicz KE, Deutsch O, Zaks B, Krief G, Chaushu SPalmon A. (2017) Identification of salivary protein biomarkers for orthodontically induced inflammatory root resorption. Proteomics Clin Appl. 11(9-10). doi: 10.1002/ prca.201600119.

Abed JMaalouf NParhi LChaushu SMandelboim OBachrach G. (2017) Tumor Targeting by Fusobacterium nucleatum: A Pilot Study and Future Perspectives. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 7; 295.

Har-Zion G. (2017) Doctor I have a question. The Journal of the Israel Dental Association 34: 52 (Hebrew).

Har-Zion G. (2017) Incorporating eyelets into 3M SmartClip SL3 Self-Ligating Appliance System. Innova 24: 33-34.

Tzach-Nahman R, Nashef R, Fleissig O, Palmon A, Shapira L, Wilensky A, Nussbaum G. (2017) ; Sci Rep. 14;7(1):11516.

Leibovich A, Steinbeisser H, Fainsod A. (2017) Expression of the ALK1 family of type I BMP/ADMP receptors during gastrula stages in Xenopus embryos. 61: 465-470. Int J Dev Biol. 61(6-7):465-470.


שנת 2016


Har-Zion G: Eight keys for successful and efficient treatment with SmartClip™ and Clarity™ SL appliances. Orthodontic Perspectives Innova 2016; 23:21-25.

Shapira J, Birenboim R, Shoshani M, Abdel-Kader A, Behar O, Moskovitz M, Ben-Attar Y, Chaushu S, Becker A. Overcoming the oral aspects of self-mutilation: description of a method. Spec Care Dentist 2016;36(5):282-7.

Yitschaky O, Neuhof MS, Yitschaky M, Zini A. Relationship between dental crowding and mandibular incisor proclination during orthodontic treatment without extraction of permanent mandibular teeth. Angle Orthod 2016; 86(5):727-33.

Yitschaky O, Katorza A, Zini A, Yitschaky M. Zadik Y. Acrylic orthodontic retainer is not a risk factor for focal Candida colonization in young healthy patients: a pilot study.  Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology 2016; 121:39-42

Becker A, Zogakis I, Luchian I, Chaushu S. Surgical exposure of impacted canines: open or closed surgery? Semin Orthod 2016; 22:27-33.

Yitschaky O, Segev-Neuhof M, Laviv A. Wisdom teeth: which way to go? Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim (1993), 2016; 33:45-51. (In Hebrew)

Brezniak N, Wasserstein A. (2016) Orthodontic Root Resorption: A New Perspective.

Angle Orthodontist 86:1056-1057.

Abed J, Emgård JEM, Zamir G, Faroja M, Almogy G, Grenov A, Sol A, Naor R, Pikarsky E, Atlan KA, Grover NB, Chaushu S, McGuire AM, Earl AM, Garrett WS, and Bachrach G . (2016) Fap2 mediates F. nucleatum localization to colorectal cancer through binding to tumor-expressed Gal-GalNAc. Cell Host  Microbe 20:215-25.


שנת 2015


Chaushu S, Kaczor-Urbanowicz K, Zadurska M, Becker A. Predisposing factors for severe incisor root resorption associated with impacted maxillary canines.  Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2015; 147:52-60.

Chaushu S, Becker T, Becker A. Impaced incisors – success rate and treatment duration. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2015; 147:355-62.

Kaczor-Urbanowicz K, Becker A, Chaushu S, Zadurska M, Czochrowska E. The aetiology of impacted maxillary central incisor – a review of the literature. Orthod. Forum 2015;11:49-56.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Etiology of maxillary impacted canines: A review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2015; 148:557-67.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Surgical treatment of impacted canines: what the orthodontist would like the surgeon to know. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2015; 27:449-58.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Impacted teeth and the 6 incarnations of resorption. (Les six formes de résorption associées à l’inclusion dentaire). L’Orthodontie Francaise 2015, 86:277–286.

Zadik Y, Yitschaky O, Pikovsky A, Zini A, Friedlander Barenboim S. Detection of mandibular condyle pesudocysts in panoramic radiographs: Digital versus film-based radiology Quintessence Int. 2015; 46(8):725-30.

Yitschaky O, Hofnung T, Zini A. A Call for Qualitative Research in Orthodontics. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim (1993), 2015; 32(1):30-36. (In Hebrew)

Wasserstein A, Shpack N, Ben Yoseph Y, Geron S, Davidovitch M, Vardimon A. Comparison of lateral photographic and radiographic sagittal analysis in relation to Angle's classification. J Orofac Orthop. 2015; 76(4):294-304.

Shalish M , Dykstein N, Friedlander-Barenboim S, Ben-David E, Gomori JM, Chaushu S. Influence of common fixed retainers on the diagnostic quality of cranial magnetic resonance images. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2015; 147:604-9.

Ginsburg I, Koren E, Feuerstein O, Zogakis IP, Shalish M, Gorelik S. Chlorhexidine markedly potentiates the oxidants scavenging abilities of Candida albicans. Inflammopharmacology 2015; 23(5):271-81

Wilensky A, Chaushu S, Shapira L. The role of natural killer cells in periodontitis. Periodontol 2000, 2015;69:128-41.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Impacted Canines. Chapter in: Orthodontic Pearls: A Selection of Practical Tips and Clinical Expertise, Second Edition, Mizrahi E, editor, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015; 257-278.


שנת 2014


Ben-Bassat Y, Hazan-Molina H, Babadzhanov D, Brin I, Aizenbud D. Maturation of   teeth adjacent to dental agenesis site. Acta Odont. Scand. 2014; 72(7):516-22.

Shalish M, Har-Zion G, Zini A, Harari D, Chaushu S. Deep submersion: Severe phenotype of deciduous-molar infraocclusion with biological associations. Angle Orthod, 2014; 84:292-6.

Shalish M, Will LA, Fukai N, Hou B, Olsen BR. Role of polycystin-1 in bone remodeling: Orthodontic tooth movement study in mutant mice. Angle Orthod 2014; 84(5):885-90.

Shmuli T, Wasserstein A, Turgeman R, Brezniak N. Differences between laypersons and orthodontists in recognizing the light reflection zone on the maxillary central incisors crowns. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim 2014; 31(3):26-30, 60-1.

Brezniak N, Wasserstein A. Defining and framing orthodontitis: a new term in orthodontics. Angle Orthod. 2014; 84(3):568-9.

Shmuly T, Zini A, Yitschaky M, Yitschaky O. Can black extrinsic tooth discoloration predict a lower caries score rate in young adults? Quintessence Int, 2014; 45(5):439-44.  


שנת 2013


Shalish M, Gal A, Brin I, Zini A, Ben-Bassat Y. Prevalence of dental features that indicate a need for early orthodontic treatment. Eur J Orthod. 2013; 35(4):454-9.

Becker A, Abramovitz I, Chaushu S. Failure of treatment of impacted canines associated with invasive cervical root resorption. Angle Orthod, 2013; 83:870-876.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Palatally impacted canines: The case for closed surgical exposure and immediate orthodontic traction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2013; 143:451-459.

Becker A. Factors other than root resorption may result in root shortening. Letter to the Editor. Orthod and Craniofacial Res 2013;16:127.

Chaushu S, Abramovitch Y, Becker A. Failure in the orthodontic treatment of impacted maxillary canines. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim, 2013; 30:45-52, 81 (in Hebrew).

Chaushu S, Stabholz A. Orthodontic-associated localized gingival recession of lower incisors: who should treat it? Compend Contin Educ Dent 2013; 34 Spec No:6-12; quiz 13.

Coval M, Wasserstein A, Brezniak N. Lip angle and the position of the maxillary lateral incisor--post orthodontics retention considerations. J Israel Dental Assoc, 2013; 30:44-50.

Geron S, Wasserstein A, Geron Z. Stability of anterior open bite correction of adults treated with lingual appliances.  Eur  J Orthod, 2013; 35:599-603.

Ginsburg I, Kohen R, Shalish M, Varon D, Shai E, Koren E. The oxidant-scavenging abilities in the oral cavity may be regulated by a "cross-talk" among antioxidants in saliva, microorganisms, blood cells and polyphenols: A Chemiluminescence-based study. PLOS ONE 2013; 8(5) e63062.

Zogakis IP, Shalish M, Greco PM. The Hippocratic Oath in perspective: "the 6 keys to ethical orthodontics?" Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2013; 144:324-5.

Sol A, Genesin O, Chaushu S, Karra L, Coppenhagen-Glazer S, Ginsburg I, Bachrach G. LL-37 opsonizes and inhibits biofilm formation of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans at subbacterial concentrations. Infect Immun, 2013; 81:3577-85.

Becker A, Chaushu S.  Impacted central incisors and their treatment in the mixed dentition period. A chapter in: Early Orthodontic Treatment by Elliott Moskowitz, Editor; Wiley Publishers, 2013.

Cooper-Kazaz R, Ivgi I, Canetti L, Bachar E, Tsur B, Chaushu S, Shalish M. The impact of personality on adult patients' adjustability to orthodontic appliances. Angle Orthod. 2013;83:76-82.

Yitschaky O, Friedlander -Barenboim S, Friedman M, Tzur-Gadassi L, Zadik Y. Mandible Condylar Pseudocyst in orthodontic patients: An introduction to the orthodontist. Am J Ortho Dentofac Orthoped, 2013;144:616-8.

Keinan D, Szwec J, Matas A, Moshonov Y, Yitschaky O. Applying extrusive orthodontic force without compromising the obturated canal space. J Am Dent Assoc, 2013;144:910-913. 

Yitschaky O, Katz-Sagi H, Yitschaky M, Zini A. Rapid Palatal expansion in wide perspective: A literature review. FDSRI 2013;1(3):32-41.


שנים 2012 - 2000


Becker A. The orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth. 3rd edition. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishers. 2012.

Ben-Bassat Y, Brin I, Jarjoura R, Regev E. Morphological occlusal features following condylar fractures in children. Eur J Orthod. 2012;34:147-51. Epub 2011 Feb 25.


Brezniak N, Birnboim-Blau G, Bar-Hamam P, Zoizner R, Dinbar A, Wasserstein A.

The inaccuracy of the panoramic radiograph as a tool to determine tooth inclination

J Israel Dental Assoc, 2012, 29(1):36-39.


Brezniak N, Wasserstein A. Orthodontically induced inflammatory root resorption: decision making process during treatment.  J Israel Dental Assoc, 2012, 29(2):42-50.

Brezniak N, Wasserstein A, Shmuli T. Light reflection zone on the incisors’ surface –a new parameter for smile esthetics evaluation.  J Israel Dental Assoc, 2012, 29(3): 30-43.


Chaushu S, Shapira J, Becker A. Orthodontic Treatment for the Special Needs Child. A chapter in: The Scope of Interactive Orthodontics by Vinod Krishnan &  Ze’ev Davidovitch, Editors: Oxford: Wiley Blackwell Publishers, 2012.

Chaushu S, Wilensky A, Gur C, Shapira L, Elboim M, Halftek G, Polak D, Achdout H, Bachrach G, Mandelboim O. Direct recognition of Fusobacterium nucleatum by the NK cell natural cytotoxicity receptor NKp46 aggravates periodontal disease. PLoS Pathog. 2012;8:e1002601. Epub 2012 Mar 22.

Ginsburg I, Koren E, Shalish M, Kanner J, Kohen R. Saliva increases the availability of lipophilic polyphenols as antioxidants and enhances their retention in the oral cavity.

Arch Oral Biol. 2012;57:1327-34. Epub 2012 May 29.


Shalish M, Cooper-Kazaz R, Ivgi I, Canetti L, Tsur B, Bachar E, Chaushu S. Adult patients' adjustability to orthodontic appliances. Part I: a comparison between Labial, Lingual, and Invisalign™. Eur J Orthod. 2012;34:724-30. Epub 2011 Jul 12.

Shalish M, Gal A, Brin I, Zini A, Ben-Bassat Y. Prevalence of dental features that indicate a need for early orthodontic treatment. Eur J Orthod. 2012, Epub ahead of print.

Papageorgiou SN, Zogakis IP, Papadopoulos MA. Failure rates and associated risk factors of orthodontic miniscrew implants: A meta-analysis. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 142: 577-595.e7, 2012. This paper received the “David L. Turpin Award for Evidence-Based Research” from the AJODO for the year 2013.


Yitschaky O, Katz-Sagi H, Yitschaky M. Orthodontic fixed retainer: fix or not fix? that is the question. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim. 2012;29(3):19-25, 68. 



Aizenbud D, Coval M, Hazan-Molina H, Harari D. Isolated soft tissue cleft lip: epidemiology and associated dental anomalies. Oral Dis. 2011;17:221-31. Epub 2010 Aug 27.

Amir G, Goldfarb AW, Nyska M, Redlich M, Nyska A, Nitzan DW. 2-Butoxyethanol model of haemolysis and disseminated thrombosis in female rats: a preliminary study of the vascular mechanism of osteoarthritis in the temporomandibular joint. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011;49:21-5 Epub 2010.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Impacted teeth and their orthodontic resolution. In: Orthodontics: Principles and Practice edited by Daljit Gill & Farhad Naini, Abingdon: Wiley Blackwell Publishers, 2011.

Brin I, Bollen AM. External apical resorption in patients treated by serial extractions followed by mechanotherapy. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 2011 139:e129-134.

Gafni Y, Tzur-Gadassi L, Nojima K, McLaughlin RP, Abed Y, Redlich M. Comparison of arch forms between Israeli and North American white populations. Amer J Orthod Dentofac Orthop, 2011; 139:339-44.

Yitschaky O, Redlich M, Abed Y, Faerman M, Casap N, Hiller N. Comparison of common hard tissue cephalometric measurements between computed tomography 3D reconstruction and conventional 2D cephalometric images. Angle Orthod. 2011;81:11-16.

Yitschaky O, Yitschaky M, Friedman M, Haisraeli-Shalish M. [Are you afraid of open bite?].Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim. 2011;28:19-25, 68. Hebrew.


Abed Y, Brin I. Early headgear effect on the eruption pattern of maxillary second molars. Angle Orthod. 2010;80:454-60.

Becker A. Guest Editorial. Semin Orthod.  2010;16:163-164.

Becker A. Extreme tooth impaction and its resolution. Semin Orthod. 2010;16:222-233.

Becker A, Chaushu S, Casap-Caspi N. Cone-beam computed tomography and the orthosurgical management of impacted teeth. J Am Dent Assoc. 2010;141 Suppl 3:14S-8S.

Becker A, Chaushu G, Chaushu S. Analysis of failure in the treatment of impacted maxillary canines. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2010;137:743-54.

Ben-Bassat Y, Brin I. Maxillary canines in patients with multiple congenitally missing teeth: A roentenographic study. Semin Orthod. 2010;16:193-8.

Brezniak N, Turgeman R, Redlich M. Incisor inclination determined by the light reflection zone on the tooth's surface. Quintessence Int. 2010;41:27-34.

Chaushu S, Chaushu G. Skeletal implant anchorage in the treatment of impacted teeth –


A review of the state of the art. Semin Orthod. 2010;16:234-41.

Fleissig Y, Reichenberg E, Redlich M, Zaks B, Deutsch O, Aframian DJ, Palmon A. Comparative proteomic analysis of human oral fluids according to gender and age. Oral Dis. 2010;16:831-8.

Gazit-Rappaport T, Haisraeli-Shalish M, Gazit E. Psychosocial reward of orthodontic treatment in adult patients. Eur J Orthod. 2010: 32:441–446.

Harari D, Redlich M, Shalish M, Hamud T, Gross M. The effect of mouth breathing versus nasal breathing on dentofacial and craniofacial development in orthodontic patients. Laryngoscope. 2010;120:2089-93.

Katz-Sagi H, Redlich M, Brinsky-Rapoport T, Matot I, Ram D. Increased dental trauma in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder treated with methylphenidate – a pilot study. J Clin Pediat Dent. 2010,34:287-9.

Reznikov N, Har-Zion G, Barkana I, Abed Y, Redlich M. Measurement of friction forces between stainless steel wires and "reduced friction" self-ligating brackets. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2010;138:330-8.

Reznikov N, Har-Zion G, Barkana I, Abed Y, Redlich M. Influence of friction resistance on expression of superelastic properties of initial NiTi wires in "reduced friction" and conventional bracket systems. J Dent Biomech. 2010;2010:613142. Epub. 2009.

Rosner D, Becker A, Casap N, Chaushu S. Orthosurgical treatment including anchorage from a palatal implant to correct an infraoccluded maxillary first molar in a young adult. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2010;138:804-9.

Samorodnitzky-Naveh G, Redlich M, Katz A, Ram-Adini A, Gorodnev A, Rapoport L, Moshkovich A, Cohen S, Rosentsveig R, Moshonov J, Shay B, Tenne R. Towards medical applications of self-lubricating coatings with fullerene-like (IF) WS2 nanoparticles. Int J Nano BioMmater. 2010, In press.

Shalish M, Peck S, Wasserstein A, Peck L. Increased Occurrence of Dental Anomalies Associated with Infraocclusion of Deciduous Molars. Angle Orthod 2010;80:440-5.

Tenne R, Redlich M. Recent progress in the research of inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles and inorganic nanotubes. Chem Soc Rev. 2010;39:1423-34. Epub 2009. Review.


Abed Y, Har-Zion G, Redlich M. Lip posture following debonding of labial appliances based on conventional profile photographs. Angle Orthod. 2009;79:235-9.

Becker A, Casap N, Chaushu S. Conventional wisdom and the surgical exposure of impacted teeth. Orthod Craniofac Res 2009;12:82-93.

Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu S. Orthodontic treatment for the special needs child. Prog Orthod 2009;10:34-47.

Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu S. Kieferorthopadische behandlung beim verhaltensuffalligen oder behinderten kind. Informationen aus Orthodontie und Kieferorthopaedie, 2009; 41:63-73.

Ben-Bassat Y, Brin I. Skeletal and dental patterns in patients with severe congenital absence of teeth . Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 2009;135:349-56.

Chaushu S, Bongart M, Aksoy A, Ben-Bassat Y, Becker A. Buccal ectopia of maxillary canines with no crowding. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2009;136:218-23.

Chaushu S, Dykstein N, Ben-Bassat Y, Becker A. Periodontal status of impacted maxillary incisors uncovered by two different surgical techniques. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009;67:120-4.

Fleissig Y, Deutsch O, Reichenberg E, Redlich M, Zaks B, Palmon A, Aframian DJ. Different proteomic protein patterns in saliva of Sjögren's syndrome patients. Oral Dis. 2009;15:61-8. Epub 2008 Oct 9.

Gutner M*, Chaushu S*, Balter D, Bachrach G. Saliva enables the antimicrobial activity of LL-37 in the presence of proteases of Porphyromonas gingivalis. Infect Immun, 2009;77:5558-63. Epub 2009.                                                                                              * these authors contributed equally to the study

Katz-Sagi H, Redlich M, Shapira J, Peretz B, Steinberg D. Effects of frequent oral hygiene instructions on microbial levels and salivary buffer capacity in orthodontic patients and their parents. World J Orthod. 2009; 9:94-100.

Samorodnitzky-Naveh GR*, Redlich M*, Rapoport L, Feldman Y, Tenne R. Inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulfide nanocoating for friction reduction of nickel-titanium alloys. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2009;4:943-50                                                                      * these authors contributed equally to the study

Shalish M, Chaushu S, Wasserstein A. Malposition of unerupted mandibular second premolar in children with palatally displaced canines. Angle Orthod 2009;79:796-9.

Tzortzi Ch, Proff P, Redlich M, Aframian DJ, Palmon A, Golan I, Muessig D, Wichelhaus A, Baumert U. Cortisol daily rhythm in saliva of healthy school children. 
Int Dent J. 2009;59:12-8.


Bachrach G, Muster Z, Raz I, Chaushu G, Stabholz A, Nussbaum G, Chaushu S. Assessing the levels of immunoglobulins in the saliva of diabetic individuals with periodontitis using checkerboard immunodetection. Oral Dis. 2008;14:51-9.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Response: incisor root resorption due to ectopic maxillary canines. Angle Orthod. 2008;78.

Chaushu S, Becker A, Chaushu G. Lingual orthodontic treatment and absolute anchorage to correct an impacted maxillary canine in an adult. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2008;134:811-9.

Chaushu S, Chaushu G, Becker A. Letter to the editor: misinterpreted citation. J Orthod. 2008;35:292.

Matalon V, Brin I, Moskovitz M, Ram D. Compliance of children and youngsters in the use of mouthguards. Dental Traumatol. 2008;24:462-7.

Nitzan DW, Katsnelson A, Bermanis I , Brin I, Casap N. The clinical characteristics of condylar hyperplasia: experience with 61 patients. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008;66:312-8.

Redlich M, Gorodnev A, Feldmean Y, Kaplan-Ashiri I, Tenne R, Fleischer N, Genut M, Feuerstein N. Friction reduction and wear resistance of electro-co-deposited inorganic fullerene-like WS2 coating for improved stainless steel orthodontic wires. J Mater Res. 2008;29:2909-15.

Redlich M, Katz A, Rapoport L, Wagner HD, Feldman Y, Tenne R. Improved orthodontic stainless steel wires coated with inorganic fullerene-like nanoparticles of WS(2) impregnated in electroless nickel-phosphorous film. Dent Mater. 2008;24:1640-6. Epub 2008 May 20.

Redlich M, Weinstock T, Abed Y, Schneor R, Holdstein Y, Fischer A. A new system for scanning, measuring and analyzing dental casts based on a 3D holographic sensor. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2008;11:90-5.

Zigmond M, Stabholz A, Shapira J, Bachrach G, Chaushu G, Becker A, Yefenof E, Merrick J, Chaushu S. Response to dr s. S. A. Bekhit. J Intellect Disabil Res 2008;52:89-90.


Barkana I , Alexopoulu E, Ziv S, Jacob-Hirsch J, Amariglio N, Pitaru S, Vardimon AD, Nemcovsky CE. Gene profile in periodontal ligament cells and clones with enamel matrix protein derivative. J Clin Perio, 2007;34:599-609.

Becker A. The orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth. 2 nd edition. London: Informa Healthcare Publishers, 2007.

Chaushu G, Becker A, Zeltser R, Vasker N, Branski S, Chaushu S . Patients' perception of recovery after routine extraction of healthy premolars. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2007;131:170-5.

Chaushu, S . Radiographic methods related to the impacted teeth. In: The orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth. 2 nd edition. London: Informa Healthcare Publishers, 2007.

Chaushu, S . Impacted teeth in the adult patient. In: The orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth. 2 nd edition. London: Informa Healthcare Publishers, 2007.

Chaushu, S . Resorbtion of the lateral incisors. In: The orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth. 2 nd edition. London: Informa Healthcare Publishers, 2007.

Chaushu, S . Lingual appliances, implants and impacted teeth . In: The orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth. 2 nd edition. London: Informa Healthcare Publishers, 2007.

Shalish M, Will LA, Shusterman S. Malposition of unerupted mandibular second premolar in children with cleft lip and palate. Angle Orthod. 2007;77:1062–6.

Shlomi B, Chaushu S , Gil Z., Chaushu G, Fliss DM. Effects of the subcranial approach on facial growth and development. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2007;136:27-32.


Bachrach G, Chaushu G, Zigmond M, Yefenof E, Stabholz A, Shapira J, Merrick J, Chaushu S. Salivary LL-37 secretion in individuals with Down syndrome in normal. J Dent Res. 2006;85:933-6.

Baumert U, Golan I, Redlich M, Aknin JJ, Muessig D. Clarification of data reported in "cleidocranial dysplasia: molecular genetic analysis and phenotypic-based description of a Middle European patient group" AJMG 139A:78-85. Am J Med Genet A. 2006;1;140:1030.

Ben-Bassat Y, Huri M, Brin I. Orthodontic education for a changing professional environment. Orthodontic Forum 2006;2:145-53.

Ben-Bassat Y, Yitschaky M, Kaplan L, Brin I . Occlusal patterns in patients with idiopathic scoliosis. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2006;130:629-33.

Bimstein E, Becker A. Malocclusion, orthodontic treatment and gingival and periodontal health and diseases. J Pediatric Dent Care 2006,12:32-3.

Brin I, Camasuvi S, Dali N, Aizenbud D . Comparison of second molar eruption patterns in patients with skeletal Class II and skeletal Class I malocclusions. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2006;130:746-51.

Chaushu S, Becker A, Shapira J, Davidovitch Z. Impaired immune response in Down's syndrome – a risk factor for orthodontic root resorption? A chapter in: Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Eruption, Resorption and Movement, edited by Z. Davidovitch, J. Mah and S. Suthanarak. Boston, Mass: Harvard Society for the Advancement of Orthodontics, 2006;225-37.

Chaushu S, Casap N, Becker A, Tzur B, Chaushu G. Orthodontic anchorage in the era of osseointegration. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim 2006;24:32-45. Hebrew, with English absract.

Harari D, Hermolin G, Harari O. The effect of age on morphology and eruption of the lower incisors in mature rats. Arch Oral Biol 2005;50:953-8.

Holan G, Cohenca N, Brin I, Sgan-Cohen H. An oral health promotion program for the prevention of complications following avulsion: the effect on knowledge of physical education teachers. Dent Traumatol. 2006;22:323-7.

Katz A, Redlich M, Rapoport L, Wagner HD, Tenne R. Self-lubricating coatings containing fullerene-like WS2 nanoparticles for orthodontic wires and other possible medical applications. Tribology Letters, 2006;21:135-9.

Zigmond M, Stabholz A, Shapira J, Bachrach G, Chaushu G, Becker A, Yefenof E, Merrick J, Chaushu S. The outcome of a preventive dental care programme on the prevalence of localized aggressive periodontitis in Down's syndrome individuals. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2006;50:492-500.


Aizenbud D, Camasuvi S, Peled M, Brin I. Congenitally missing teeth in Israeli cleft population. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2005;42:314-7.

Baumert U, Golan I, Redlich M, Aknin JJ, Muessig D. Cleidocranial dysplasia: molecular genetic analysis and phenotypic-based description of a middle European patient group. Am J Med Genet A. 2005;139A:78-85.

Becker A , Chaushu S . Long-term follow-up of severely resorbed maxillary incisors after resolution of an etiologically associated impacted canine. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2005;127:650-4; quiz 754.a. Selected to be discussed in editor's choice

Becker A, Chaushu S, Lustmann J. The orthodontic-surgical modality in the treatment of multiple impacted teeth: A case report. Orthod J Serbia & Montenegro 2005;3:5-16.

Brin I, Ben-Bassat Y, Hirschfeld Z. Conservative adjunct to esthetic orthodontic treatment in young patients. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2005;26:791-7; quiz 798-9. 

Chaushu S, Becker A, Shapira J, Davidovitch Z.  Impaired immune response in Down's syndrome – a risk factor for orthodontic root  resorption?   A chapter in: Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Eruption, Resorption and Movement, edited by Z. Davidovitch, J. Mah and S. Suthanarak. Boston, Mass: Harvard Society for the Advancement of Orthodontics, 2005; pages 225-237.     

Chaushu S, Becker A, Zeltser R, Branski S, Vasker N, Chaushu G. Patients perception of recovery after exposure of impacted teeth: A comparison of closed- versus open-eruption techniques. J Oral Maxillofacial Surg. 2005;63:323-9.

Grossman N, Brin I, Aizenbud D, Sichel JY, Gross-Isseroff R, Steiner J. Nasal airflow and olfactory function after the repair of cleft palate (with and without cleft lip). Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2005;100:539-44.

Nyska M, Shabat S, Long PH, Howard C, Ezov N, Levin-Harrus T, Mittelman M, Redlich M, Yedgar S, Nyska A. Disseminated thrombosis-induced growth plate necrosis in rat: a unique model for growth plate arrest. J Pediatr Orthop. 2005;25:346-50.

Redlich M, Yedgar S, Nyska A. Disseminated thrombosis-induced growth plate necrosis in rat: a unique model for growth plate arrest. J Pediatr Orthop. 2005;25:346-50.

Reichenberg E, Redlich M, Cancemi P, Zaks B, Pitaru S, Fontana S, Pucci-Minafra I, Palmon A. Proteomic analysis of protein components in periodontal ligament fibroblasts. J Periodontol. 2005; 76:1645-53.

Roos H, Redlich M, Bar-Kana I, Reichenberg E, Zaks B, Baumert U, Golan I, Mussig D, Palmon A. The biologic language of orthodontic force. from genomics to proteomics. The 6th International Orthodontic Congress. Paris , France , 2005.


Baumert U, Golan I, Becker B, Hrala BP, Redlich M, Roos HA, Palmon A, Reichenberg E, Mussig D. Pressure simulation of orthodontic force in osteoblasts: a pilot study. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2004;7:3-9.

Becker A. An interview with Adrian Becker. World J Orthod. 2004;5:277-82.

Becker A. The orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth. 1 st edition. London: Martin Dunitz Publishers, 1998. Reprinted in 1998. German edition 1999, Italian edition 2000 Korean edition 2001, Russian edition 2004, Portuguese edition 2004.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Non-invasive periodontal splinting with multistrand wire following the orthodontic realignment of periodontally migrated teeth. Orthodontics, 2004;1:159-67.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Impacted incisors and cuspids. Bullet Pacific Coast Soc Orthod. 2004;76:27.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Healthy periodontium with bone and soft tissue regeneration following orthodontic-surgical retrieval of teeth impacted within cysts. In: Biological mechanisms of tooth movement and craniofacial adaptation, Davidovitch Z, Mah J, ed. Boston , Mass: Harvard society for the advancement of orthodontics, 2004, pp.155-62.

Becker A, Chaushu S, Shapira J. Orthodontic treatment for the special needs child. Semin Orthod. 2004;10:281-92.

Chaushu S, Becker A. The treatment of impacted teeth and the anatomy of failure. Bulletin of the Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists, 2004;76:28-9.

Chaushu S, Becker A, Chaushu G. Orthosurgical treatment with lingual orthodontics of an infraoccluded maxillary first molar in an adult. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2004;125:379-87.

Chaushu G, Becker A, Zeltser R, Branski S, Chaushu S. Patients' perception of recovery after surgical exposure of impacted teeth treated with a closed-eruption technique. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2004;125:690-6.

Chaushu S, Becker A, Zeltser R, Vasker N, Chaushu G. Patients' perception of recovery after surgical exposure of impacted maxillary teeth treated with an open-eruption surgical-orthodontic technique. Eur J Orthod. 2004;26:591-6.

Chaushu S, Chaushu G, Becker A. The role of digital volume tomography in the imaging of impacted teeth. World J Orthod. 2004;5:120-32.

Chaushu S , Shapira J, Heling I, Becker A. Emergency orthodontic treatment after the traumatic intrusive luxation of maxillary incisors. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2004;126:162-72. Review.a. Selected to be discussed in editor's choice.

Chaushu S, Zahavi T, Becker A. Forced eruption of maxillary incisor teeth from the lingual side. Quintessence Int. 2004;35:431-6.

Chaushu S, Zahavi T, Becker A. Erupcion forzada de incisivos superiors desde palatino. Quintessence Int. (Ed. Esp) 2004;35:431-6.

Har-Zion G , Brin I, Steiner J. Psychophysical testing of taste and flavour reactivity in young patients undergoing treatment with removable orthodontic appliances. Eur J Orthod. 2004;26:73-8.

Redlich M, Roos A H, Reichenberg E, Zaks B, Mussig D, Baumert U, Golan I, Palmon A. Expression of tropoelastin in human periodontal ligament fibroblasts after simulation of orthodontic force. Arch Oral Biol. 2004;49:119-24.

Redlich M, Maly A, Aframian D, Shabat S, Ezov N, Levin-Harrus T, Nyska M, Nyska A. Histopathologic changes in dental and oral soft tissues in 2-butoxyethanol-induced hemolysis and thrombosis in rats J Oral Pathol Med. 2004;33:424-9.

Redlich M, Roos H, Reichenberg E, Zaks B, Grosskop A, Bar Kana I, Pitaru S, Palmon A. The effect of centrifugal force on mRNA levels of collagenase, collagen type-I, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases and beta-actin in cultured human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. J Periodontal Res. 2004;39:27-32.

Shabat S, Nyska A, Long PH, Goelman G, Abramovitch R, Ezov N, Levin-Harrus T, Peddada S, Redlich M, Yedgar S, Nyska M. Osteonecrosis in a chemically induced rat model of human hemolytic disorders associated with thrombosis--a new model for avascular necrosis of bone. Calcif Tissue Int. 2004;74:220-8.

Shapira J, Chaushu S , Becker A Orthodontic treatment of children with disabilities. Semin Orthod. 2004;10;281-292. Invited article

Yitschaky M, Haviv Y, Aframian DJ, Abed Y, Redlich M. Prediction of premolar tooth lengths based on their panoramic radiographic lengths. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2004;33:370-2.

Wasserstein A, Brezniak N, Shalish M, Heller M, Rakocz M. Angular changes and their rates in concurrence to developmental stages of the mandibular second premolar. Angle Orthod, 2004;74:332–6.


Becker A, Chaushu S. Success rate and duration of orthodontic treatment for adult patients with palatally impacted maxillary canines. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003;124:509-14.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Head trauma, anomaly and pathology in relation to tooth impaction. Bullet Pacific Coast Soc Orthod. 2003;75:37-9.

Becker A, Chaushu S. Success rate and duration of orthodontic treatment for adult patients with palatally impacted maxillary canines. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2003;124:509-14. a. Selected to be discussed in editor's choice

Becker A, Chaushu S. Commentary. J Orthod. 2003;30:22.

Ben-Bassat Y, Brin I. Skeletodental patterns in patients with multiple congenitally missing teeth. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003;124:521-5.

Beyth N, Redlich M, Harari D, Friedman M, Steinberg D. Effect of sustained-release chlorhexidine varnish on Streptococcus mutans and Actinomyces viscosus in orthodontic patients. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003;123:345-8.

Brin I, Bar-Abudi R, Abed Y, Ben-Bassat Y, Harari D, Zilberman Y. A retrospective study of orthodontic treatment of children with clefts. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim. 2003;20:65-70, 82. Hebrew, with English abstract.

Brin I, Tulloch JF, Koroluk L, Philips C. External apical root resorption in Class II malocclusion: a retrospective review of 1- versus 2-phase treatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003;124:151-6.

Chaushu S, Brin I, Ben-Bassat Y, Zilberman Y, Becker A. Periodontal status following surgical-orthodontic alignment of impacted central incisors with an open-eruption technique. Eur J Orthod. 2003;25:579-84.

Chaushu S, Sharabi S, Becker A. Tooth size in dentitions with buccal canine ectopia. Eur J Orthod. 2003;25:485-91.

Chaushu S, Yefe Nof E, Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu G. Parotid salivary immunoglobulins, recurrent respiratory tract infections and gingival health in institutionalized and non-institutionalized subjects with Down's syndrome. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2003;47:101-7.

Chaushu S, Zilberman Y, Becker A. Maxillary incisor impaction and its relationship to canine displacement. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2003;124:144-50; discussion 150 a. Selected to be discussed in editor's choice.

Harari D, Shapira-Davis S, Gillis I, Roman I, Redlich M. Tensile bond strength of ceramic brackets bonded to porcelain facets. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003;123:551-4.

Koshkaryev A, Barshtein G, Nyska A, Ezov N, Levin-Harrus T, Shabat S, Nyska M, Redlich M, Tsipis F, Yedgar S. 2-Butoxyethanol enhances the adherence of red blood cells. Arch Toxicol. 2003;77:465-9.

Nyska, A. ,Moomaw, CR. Ezov, N., Shabat, S., Levin-Harrus, T., Nyska M. , Redlich, M., Mittelman, M. Yedgar, S. ,Foley , JF. Ocular expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) in 2-butoxyethanol-induced hemolysis and thrombosis in female rats. Exp Toxicol Pathol. 2003;55:231-6.

Redlich M, Mayer Y, Harari D, Lewinstein I. In vitro study of frictional forces d uri ng sliding mechanics of "reduced-friction" brackets. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2003;124:69-73.


Arzate H, Jimenez LF, Alvarez Perez MA, Landa A, Barkana I , Pitaru S. Immunolocalization of human cementoblastoma-conditioned medium derived protein. J Dent Res 2002;81:541-6.

Becker A. Early treatment for impacted maxillary incisors. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2002;121:586-7.

Becker A. Understanding impacted teeth – then treating them successfully. Bullet Pacific Coast Soc Orthod. 2002;74:26-8.

Becker A, Brin I, Ben-Bassat Y, Zilberman Y, Chaushu S. Closed-eruption surgical technique for impacted maxillary incisors: a postorthodontic periodontal evaluation. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2002;122:9-14.

Becker A, Sharabi S, Chaushu S. Maxillary tooth size variation in dentitions with palatal canine displacement. Eur J Orthod. 2002;24:313-8.

Chaushu S, Becker A, Chaushu G, Shapira J. Stimulated parotid salivary flow rate in patients with Down syndrome. Spec Care Dentist. 2002;22:41-4.

Chaushu S, Gozal D, Becker A. Intravenous sedation: an adjunct to enable orthodontic treatment for children with disabilities. Eur J Orthod. 2002; 24:81-9 .

Chaushu S, Sharabi S, Becker A. Dental morphologic characteristics of normal versus delayed develong dentitions with palatally displaced canines. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2002;121:339-46.

Chaushu S, Yefenof E, Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu G. A link between parotid salivary Ig level and recurrent respiratory infections in young Down's syndrome patients. Oral Microbiol Immunol. 2002;17:172-6.

Chaushu S, Yefenof E, Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu G. Severe impairment of secretory Ig production in parotid saliva of Down Syndrome individuals. J Dent Res. 2002;81:308-12.

Dawes C, Chaushu S, Yefenof E, Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu G. Letter to the editor. J Dent Res. 2002;81:588-9.

Ezov N, Levin-Harrus T, Mittelman M, Redlich M, Shabat S, Ward SM, Peddada S, Nyska M, Yedgar S, Nyska A. A chemically induced rat model of hemolysis with disseminated thrombosis. Cardiovasc Toxicol. 2002;2:181-94.

Geron S, Chaushu S . Lingual extraction treatment of anterior open bite in an adult. J Clin Orthod. 2002;36:441-6.

Harari D, Gillis I, Redlich M. Shear bond strength of a new dental adhesive used to bond brackets to unetched enamel. Eur J Orthod. 2002;24:519-23.

Pitaru S, Pritzki A, Barkana I , Grosskopf A, Savion N, Narayanan AS. Bone morphogenetic protein 2 induces the expression of cementum attachment protein in human periodontal ligament clones. Connect Tissue Res 2002;43:257-64.

Shalish M, Peck S, Wasserstein A, Peck L. Malposition of unerupted mandibular second premolar associated with agenesis of its antimere. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2002;121:53-6.

Terespolsky MS, Brin I, Harari D, Steigman S. The effect of functional occlusal forces on orthodontic tooth movement and tissue recovery in rats. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2002;121:620-8.

Wasserstein A, Shalish M. Adequecy of mandibular premolar position despite early loss of its deciduous molar. ASDC J Dent Child, 2002;69:233-4, 254-8.


Attal U, Blaushild N, Brin I, Steigman S. Histomorphometric study of the periodontal vasculature during and after experimental tipping of the rat incisor. Arch Oral Biol. 2001;46:891-900.

Barkana, I. Isolation and characterization of cementoblastic lineage from the human periodontal ligament in culture, 2001. Ph.D. Thesis.

Ben-Bassat Y, Brin I. The labiogingival notch: an anatomical variation of clinical importance. J Am Dent Assoc. 2001;132:919-21.

Ben-Bassat Y, Brin I, Brezniak N. Can maxillary incisor trauma be predicted from cephalometric measurements? Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2001;120:186-9.

Becker A. Orthodontics and the population with special needs. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2001;119:15A-16A.

Becker A, Shapira J, Chaushu S. Orthodontic treatment for disabled children - a survey of patient and appliance management. J Orthod. 2001;28:39-44.

Bimstein E, Becker A. Malocclusion, periodontal health and orthodontic intervention. A chapter in: Periodontal health and diseases in children, adolescents and young adults, by Bimstein E, Needleman H.L, Karimbux N, van Dyke T.E, London, Martin publisher, 2001;251-74.

Bodner L, Bar Ziv J, Becker A. Image accuracy of plain film radiography and computerized tomography in assessing morphological abnormality of impacted teeth. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2001;120:623-8.

Chaushu G , Blinder D, Taicher S, Chaushu S . The effect of precise reattachment of the mentalis muscle on the soft tissue response to genioplasty. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2001;59:510-6, discussion 517.

Chaushu G, Chaushu S . The use of orthodontic treatment and immediate implant loading to restore the traumatic loss of a maxillary central incisor. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 2001;16:47-53.

Chaushu G, Chaushu S , Tzohar A, Dayan A. Immediate loading of single-tooth implants: immediate versus non-immediate implantation. A clinical report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2001;16:267-72.

Chaushu S , Becker A, Zalkind M. Prosthetic considerations in the restoration of orthodontically treated maxillary lateral incisors to replace missing central incisors: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 2001;85:335-41.

Chaushu S , Chaushu G, Becker A. The use of panoramic radiographs to localize displaced maxillary canines. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 1996;88:511-6. a. Abstracted in Mosby Yearbook of Pediatrics, 2001.

Chaushu S, Shapira J, Becker A. The orthodontic treatment of children with disabilities. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim 2001;18:42-50, 62. Hebrew, with English abstract.

Chaushu S, Zalkind M, Becker A. Prosthetic considerations in the restoration of orthodontically treated maxillary lateral incisors to replace missing central incisors: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 2001;85:335-41.

Palmon A, Roos H, Reichenberg E, Grosskop A, Bar Kana I, Pitaru S, Redlich M. Basic fibroblast growth factor suppresses tropoelastin gene expression in cultured human periodontal fibroblasts. J Periodontal Res. 2001;36:65-70.

Redlich M, Reichenberg E, Harari D, Zaks B, Shoshan S, Palmon A. The effect of mechanical force on mRNA levels of collagenase, collagen type I, and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in gingivae of dogs. J Dent Res. 2001;80:2080-4.


Barkana I, Narayanan AS, Grosskop A, Savion N, Pitaru S. Cementum attachment protein enriches putative cementoblastic populations on root surfaces in vitro. J Dent Res 2000;79:1482-8.

Becker A, Chaushu S . Dental age in maxillary canine ectopia. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2000;117:657-62.

Becker A. Shapira J. Chaushu S. Orthodontic treatment for disabled children: motivation, expectation and satisfaction. Eur J Orthod. 2000;22:151-8.

Bimstein E, Becker A, Karimbux N. Orthodontic treatment and periodontal concerns. Journal of the Southeastern Society for Pediatric Dentistry. 2000;6:7-10.

Brin I, Ben-Bassat Y, Heling I, Brezniak N. Profile of an orthodontic patient at risk of dental trauma. Endod Dent Traumatol. 2000;16:111-5.

Brin I, Weinberger T, Ben-Chorin E. Classification of occlusion reconsidered. Eur J Orthod. 2000;22:169-74.

Chaushu G, Tzohar A, Chaushu S . A combination of orthodontics and implantology for reconstruction of an avulsed maxillary incisor. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim 2000;17:32-40.

Chaushu S, Becker A. Behavior management needs for the orthodontic treatment of children with disabilities. Eur J Orthod. 2000,22:143-9.

Chaushu S, Zeltser, R, Becker, A. Safe orthodontic bonding for children with disabilities d uri ng general anesthesia. Eur J Orthod. 2000,22:225-8.

Harari D, Aunni E, Gillis I, Redlich M. A new multipurpose dental adhesive for orthodontic use: an in vitro bond-strength study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2000;118:307-10.

Heling I, Slutzky-Goldberg I, Lustmann J, Ehrlich Y, Becker A. Bone-like tissue growth in the root canal of immature permanent teeth after traumatic injuries. Endod Dental Traumat. 2000;16:298-303.

Palmon A, Roos H, Edel J, Zax B, Savion N, Grosskop A, Pitaru S. Inverse dose- and time-dependent effect of basic fibroblast growth factor on the gene expression of collagen type I and matrix metalloproteinase-1 by periodontal ligament cells in culture. J Periodontol. 2000;71:974-80.

Palmon A, Roos H, Reichenberg E, Grosskop A, Barkana I , Pitaru S, Redlich M. Basic fibroblast growth factor suppresses tropoelastin gene expression in cultured human periodontal fibroblasts. J Periodont Res 2000;35:1-6.

Shapira J, Chaushu S, Becker A. Prevalence of tooth transposition, third molar agenesis, and maxillary canine impaction in individuals with Down Syndrome. Angle Orthod. 2000;70:290-6.

Ziskind D, Sharon E, Hirschfeld Z, Becker A. Analysis of lateral tooth movement d uri ng forced orthodontic eruption. J Prosthet Dent. 2000;84:462-6.